Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day Eight: Illusion of Depth

Today's exercise was a study of the illusion of depth. Depth can be created by varying the size of objects - objects closer are larger, by varying the hue - objects in this composition get darker as they are farther away (I understand that this is backwards from reality - my art ignorance is showing), and by using quilting lines - the lines are further apart when closer and seem to converge as they get further away.
I cut out several sizes of triangles in purple hues. In the composition to the left, it would have been better had there been a subtler variation in the color. The triangles get too dark too quickly in the middle.
Another way to show that an object is closer is to have it not entirely encapsulated in the frame. Notice that the lightest purple and largest triangle does not completely show up on the page. Just as if you had a camera lens focused on objects, one that is very close may not entirely be able to be seen within the frame.
The original schedule has changed. I found that there were exercises scheduled that overlapped work that I will already do and that there were techniques I wanted to study that had not made it on the list. I also had to bear in mind that I will be on quilt retreat for several days toward the end of the month so the exercises are tailored toward an environment where I will not have the abundance of resources I have in my home studio.

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