I made a convergence quilt top a couple of years ago. The technique, shown in a book by Ricky Tims, is to take 2 pieces of fabric, cut them in varying widths of strips, sew them together, and repeat. It creates an interesting illusion, but not even interest for my taste. After mulling what to do, and getting great input from my buddies in my small quilt group, I decided to paint it. I almost just threw it away, so I had nothing to lose.
I found inspiration in the Sun Goddess that hangs on the wall on the back of the house. I took a digital photo of it, traced it, scanned the trace, printed it onto a transparency, projected it onto my design wall and copied it to a large pieced freezer paper for a template. I carefully cut out the design, separating the 2 halves of the sunbeams, and gently dabbed paint onto the surface of the quilt top. I was very careful to make sure that the paint wasn't wet or it would run.
I love the effect! This quilt, that I very nearly tossed into the garbage on more than one occaision now has personality. I cannot wait to stitch it!